Hair & Beauty Tips

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Does Taking Vitamins for Hair Growth Help?

Does Taking Vitamins for Hair Growth Help?

There is no shortage of products in the market that supposedly promote hair growth, from the usual hair loss shampoos to the highly advanced laser therapy. There is also a selection of vitamin supplements for hair regrowth – biotin, Vitamin D and Vitamin E, to name...

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Hair Loss Cure 2021: What Can You Expect?

Hair Loss Cure 2021: What Can You Expect?

Balding or hair thinning is a difficult experience for men and women even if hair loss is a common occurrence as it is a usual part of ageing. In fact, the evidence is increasing that losing hair affects one’s mental health. People who suffer from hair loss feel that...

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Causes of Balding Crown in Men

Causes of Balding Crown in Men

There was a time when society found balding in men unattractive. But this perception has significantly changed over the years. According to a study, women now see bald men as knowledgeable, intelligent, influential and well-educated. On top of being associated with...

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Hair Growth Shampoo: Does It Work?

Hair Growth Shampoo: Does It Work?

Who doesn’t want great-looking tresses? With social media influencers flaunting shiny, thick and bouncy locks, it can be difficult not to want the same thing. But how do you exactly get thicker and healthier hair? Well, the market is awash with products that promise...

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Does Taking a Supplement for Hair Growth Help?

Does Taking a Supplement for Hair Growth Help?

Do a quick search online and you would come across hair regrowth supplements – tons of them. The selection is just as vast as the claims they make, from giving you thicker and fuller hair overnight to growing your hair longer and faster. It can be difficult to ignore...

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Best Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women

Hair shedding is a normal part of life. On average, we lose around 80 to 100 strands a day. But when hair thinning happens or bald patches appear, it is time to sound the alarm bells. There are many reasons why you are experiencing excessive hair fall – age, genetics,...

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What Hair Loss Cure Is Available?

What Hair Loss Cure Is Available?

With social media being a part of most people’s lives these days, maintaining a youthful appearance has become even more important. This includes having a full and luscious head of hair – a feature that society deems essential to look young and beautiful. But people...

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