How to Treat Alopecia

Jun 30, 2018

Alopecia is the medical term used for hair loss or conditions associated with hair loss. According to reports, millions of men and women suffer from hair loss. It is estimated that 40% of men aged 35 have noticeable hair loss. Meanwhile, 40% of women show signs of or are suffering from hair loss by the age of 40.

In men, progressive hair loss eventually leads to balding. In women, balding rarely happens but the hair becomes thinner and the parts widen. This means that hair loss in males tend to be more evident than in women. This is one of the reasons why there is this existing notion that alopecia is more prevalent in males than in females. The truth, however, is that it equally affects both sexes.

Hair loss is also greatly associated with ageing. While the risk of losing your locks increases with age, especially if you have a family history of alopecia, this does not mean that this problem only afflicts middle-aged or old people. Alopecia may also affect children or teens. In fact, the onset of hair loss for some cases takes place during the teenage years.

Different conditions can lead to or trigger excessive shedding of hair. For men and women, the top cause of this problem is androgenic alopecia, which is also called male or female pattern baldness. In men, this problem starts at the temple. In the long run, the hairline recedes and forms an “M” shape until baldness happens. In women, the part line slowly thins which is then followed by the receding of the hairline.  Genetics is said to be one of the major reasons why some people suffer from androgenic alopecia.

In some cases, hair loss is due to autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata and alopecia universalis. For both conditions, the hair follicles become inflamed because the body’s immune system sees them as foreign bodies and attacks them. Over time, the follicles shrink and stops growing hair. Meanwhile, hair loss can also happen because its normal growth cycle becomes disrupted just like in the case of telogen effluvium. Here, due to certain factors like illnesses, pregnancy and stress, more hair enter the resting phase and eventually fall off.

Regardless of the cause, alopecia is a problem which both males and females, young and old, struggle to contend with. One of the top reasons for this is that there is a stigma attached to being bald or not having hair. Hence, those with alopecia feel less attractive and develop low self-esteem.

Fortunately, most hair loss problems are treatable. There are medications and procedures which help arrest the progression of the hair loss as well as promote hair growth in the affected areas. One of the newest treatments for hair loss, particularly for those due to male pattern baldness, is Pharma Hermetic Hair Recovery Program (HRP).

The Hermetic HRP involves the use of medication which reduces the level of IL-6 (interleukin 6), a modulator of hair loss. Studies show that, during the hair loss process, the concentration and activity of IL-6 increases. For this reason, scientists have been working on developing medications to inhibit this interleukin and consequently, prevent hair loss from progressing. The Hermetic HRP achieves just that, reducing the level of IL-6 by as much as 50%. With decreased IL-6, hair bulbs get revived and triggers the growth of new hair.

Studies involving the use of Hermetic HRP showed that after 16 weeks of treatment, IL-6 significantly decreases and stem cells grow by as much 52%. Meanwhile, a 95% increase in stem cells was noted after 30 weeks of treatment.

To learn more about how to treat alopecia including the Hermetic HRP, call us at +353 (0)1 6793618 and schedule an appointment with our experienced dermatologist.

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